i'll never get tired of this
great story maker heres mine
Once upon a time, there was a mean kingdom called penisville. Everything was peaceful in penisville until one day a upset creature called black cock attacked. black cock had the penis of a/an penicorn and the penis of a/an penicron. He destroyed the whole kingdom and took the princess hostage. It was up to one sad knight to save penisville, and that knight's name was penis. As soon as penis heard that the kingdom was being attacked, he got his lucky pink armor and started riding his penicorn to black cock's lair. He took his angry penis and shited the beast's penis. The beast screamed penis!!! And then shited at penis almost killing him. penis used his last bit of energy to pee black cock away. Thanks to penis, the kingdom of penisville was saved and penis and the princess lived happily ever after.